Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bringing Two Worlds Together

When I entered a time of sabbatical in Italy it was good to be able to continue my connection to the Church of Mary Magdalene/Mary's Place through spiritual writings with the women of Mary's in my heart. But it was a true gift of God to be presented with a new Italian Sister who has the same love of God and care for others in Roberta Niccacci. Soon after we met she said she was sure God had brought us together because she was looking for an American partner to participate in her business of caring for others, in the spirit of this land of saints, and in the beauty of this region known for its amazing art.

It all began with an idea of using the art of the region, specifically the ceramics of Deruta, gifted for the purpose of benefiting an American agency that offers great care and service, Mary's Place/Church of Mary Magdalene, and modeling how business can be at its best a service of care. Now that we have been brought together through the sacred coincidence of God, Roberta's initial idea of bringing together her business with a caring American Service Provider is happening. On October 22, 2011 at the Church of Mary Magdalene's "Hats and Tea" handpainted Deruta pottery of the CAMA workshop were auctioned, as well as tea cups gifted in return for those who gave to Church of Mary Magdalene generously, as the sharing begins.

But the sharing doesn't end there, on Wednesday May 16th at Mary's Place Spring Luncheon there will also be beautiful handpainted art offered as a gift to generous givers, as the spirit of sharing and caring continues. Having a dozen years of relationship with Mary's it is special for me to be able to take the story of the women into this amazing world of God's and find people like Roberta who are excited about sharing this one Spirit of hope, care and love through generosity. We all need one another, whether close or far away, and the more we share the closer we are.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A New Chapter Starts Here – Prayerful Heart

Faith, Hope, and Love are all we need, the greatest being Love…. Yet wars continue, strife continues, poverty continues, to mar the world with sorrow. Many people struggle to find meaning and purpose in this broken life, like me many seek it through their faith. Many, like me, will experience an event or a series of events that take them away from the institutional church they belong to when the answers seem to be lost there, answers they feel inside their hearts but not inside the walls of a church they once called home.
As a child living in a very broken family I always prayed, can’t think of a time I didn’t pray. It did not make the horrors of beatings and abuse rapidly go away, but it certainly changed me, and eventually those horrors did go away. The prayer strengthened me for the often difficult journey of life, and although my life may have been unusually traumatizing, I know that no life is easy, and all need strength to get through. We need the invisible to see us through the hardships we see.
Something happened when I was just 6 that changed my life forever, I went to my grandmother’s funeral. I remember vividly sitting next to my aunties as they prayed, everyone prayed in unity, aloud. We were Catholic, and the sisters all knew all the prayers and for me it was magic, prayer was something we all did, WE….it was hopeful! A sharing of the Spirit, a sharing of love, a showing of faith within the promise of hope.
To me this is when we are at our best, people, families, the church, all together in prayer and the sacred mystery of what unites us. Yet, often in our churches we get tied to earthly concerns, about the numbers and how to bring in people, instead of how to continue to invite God, Christ and Spirit…. It is as if the most important guests at the table become minor players, not just in church, but in the whole of life. For our stories are never about “the church” but they are about living through life’s journey, a life we have been gifted with that is all too brief here, and all to mysterious to ponder when contemplating eternity. We have been gifted with something too big for us to hold alone, we need, NEED that which is greater than ourselves, God.
At this time I return to theological studies, as I re-enter the Catholic Church of my family, although different because it is here in Italy. My studies are inviting me to keep going to the mystery, the miracle and the hope of the resurrection, a faith bound in a love beyond the logical and reasonable world. It is a welcome place for my soul at this time, it is a returning home.

How does the Mystery Call You?
Where does the Mystery take you?
Is God a Mystery beyond all knowing for you, and if so how is that comforting?