Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Magic of the Artist

This summer there was a group of women artists staying in the village for two weeks. One of the local boys started hanging out with them, just watching them paint from different vantage points around the village. Not just for an hour here or there, but for a few entire days. He was mesmerized by the creation being wrought before his eyes, it was a world of color and beauty that reflected his beloved home in a new way, it was entrancing. Samuele was caught in the magic of art.
During the Festa della Castagna, Chestnut Festival, last week was a treat for Samuele again, this time he was watching the magic of glass artists at work, and he brought his friend Alberto to enjoy as well. Not only were they transfixed, but so were many other children in the community. I would come and go over the day and many of the kids were there for hours on end, a couple all day long, transfixed by the molding and melting of glass into animals, vases and other art forms. The artists themselves were gifted for this type of presentation, mixing up the resulting pieces so that each would be a surprise to the entranced audience. It was a marvelous example of the wonder of AWE. In our world we so over-use the word awesome, it has become casual slang to mean anything even remotely interesting. But to see the awe and the children’s face as they appreciated the grace of creation of art is to know the depth of meaning for the word awe. They are transfixed and comprehend the depth of knowledge and skill needed to produce this art. They would watch the whole team of blowers, from the lead to those assisting, with a deeper knowing that all had skill talent. While standing and watching one gentleman asked if I knew who the “master” blower was, I responded from the observance of these children, they are all masters in knowing how to blow, shape, or assist in the formation of this art. All were occupied in the creation of beauty.
The other piece of magic was just the total awareness of these children of what was unfolding about them, whether it was the art, or even me taking pictures of them watching the artists. At one point my sweet neighbor girl asked me directly why I was taking pictures, and when I said for inspiration for writing, she then asked what I was writing. Not only was she very satisfied with the answer, but she has since been more open to me in neighborhood greetings and play. She took the opportunity to open herself more when she knew she was part of my creative process. Once upon a time when I was a pastor I had a great mentor who was with me leading a worship one Sunday and I noted that he, like me, was shaking and nervous, after over 50 years as a pastor. His response was priceless, “this is an awesome task, if I am not nervous, I am not noticing the awesome wonder of God.” Just as children, we should all approach the creator, our God with a sense of awe and wonder. It is at times easy, when seeing art created before our eyes, or in seeing the beauty of the autumn colors flashing brilliantly around us this time of year. But to be awe-struck and to see awe in others is simply magical, it reminds us of the greatness of creator and created, it should also invite us to see our own gift to create.
We are all given this gift as God’s created to be creators as well. Whether we create a meal, a piece of art, or grace to make one other person more content in a day. To weave a tiny piece of magic to invite one into the awe of our Creator, of the grace of creation is a blessing we can all partake in. It does not have to be grand, it does not have to attract a crowd, but to touch a life with grace is possible for all. To be touched by grace of creation is also a blessing. To be held in awe in both the process of creating and witnessing creation is to have joy in life, it is to experience the sacred. What arts have touched you, taken you closer to God as THE creator? How do you express yourself as creator, created in image of God? Where do you experience witnessing the grace of creation that warms your heart?

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