Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Good Time to Die, Procession of Friday

I had always thought the saying “good time to die” was a bit creepy, but after being bedside with people who were passing well into the next stage of eternity, my mind changed on that years ago. But I had never thought about the concept of Jesus’ death in the light of that phrase until last week. The agony, the suffering were always so out in front, but for the procession on Friday here in Piegaro there was a new vision for me, whereas Thursday was full of tears, Friday did seem in some ways most Good.
The procession started at the larger church, and there was question of whether it would happen at all because of the rains in the afternoon and evening. However, the rain stopped and about 8 p.m. and by 9 p.m. with most of the limini non functioning, the procession went forward as planned. The beautifully red robed Jesus was gone, and instead there was a lying Jesus, being carried to his tomb, and being carried behind him, his weeping mother, Mary. In front of the procession a very large, very heavy cross carried by many generations of young men led the way.
This night there were two busses full of tourists who had arrived to see this beautiful procession, it surprised me to know that many people from other places knew of this wonderful evening. The crowd was even larger this day, even with the rain. It struck me how amazingly beautiful this night was.
One of the central themes that was in my heart at every pause was the presence of Mary. At Mary’s Place in Seattle I often think of the importance not only of Mary Magdalene, but all the other Marys as well in scripture, and here is Mary, mother of Jesus a focus of Good Friday. It was an experience I had never known before. Yet it seemed so right, Mary, the first to say YES to Jesus in saying YES to God, the first to ask Jesus to do something at the wedding of Canaa, knowing his gifts, to be ever present in ministry, and at his death. Mary, mother, an inspiration to all women in her devotion to God’s will is here. I found myself praying for all the mothers at Mary’s Place and Church of Mary Magdalene, for all the mothers everywhere in this broken world, even for myself as a mother. The life that is given through motherhood, Mary has seen Jesus through his whole life to this point, and she grieves.
It is a beautiful grief, however, for the suffering and pain of the past day of Jesus’ life has ended. Mary does not have to watch her child suffer any longer. Where none of the apostles’ would come to the cross, Mary would, despite the presence of soldiers or possible persecution, she would be there for Jesus. This image of the dead Jesus and his praying mother actually held peace for me, she had no fear for his future anymore and the evil humans could do. Jesus in fact was a beautiful vision of resting in Peace.
So many of us have experienced suffering in our lives, whether as victims of domestic violence, wars or even disease. Yet there is often comfort in knowing that this will end. Situations such as patterns of abuse can end when we allow death to happen to the habits that return us to these places and choose new ways. Human can really choose peace, and say no if they want to. And we can always remember that this life is just a blink in time, there is so much more possible. When we release the negative, the worries, and the invitation to suffering we can have a good death. When I think of the wars we are currently engaged in, I pray that people would let the desire for power, greed and fear die, to let those things rest in peace.

How can you let the suffering die in your life?
Where do you see suffering that needs to die?
How can you take part in putting to rest the things that would harm and cause pain?

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