Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Miracles Can Happen…Have Happened…Do Happen Every Day

One of the great differences I experience in the faith life here in Italy is the daily importance of recognizing miracles. Whether in the lives of Saints, such as Padre Pio, certainly in the life of Mary and Jesus, but miracles are also an important presence here in the village. Each year as they celebrate the great spiritual miracle of the 1700’s with a procession on May 11. Way back when a priest arrived in Piegaro and noted the lack of participation in worship here, and left behind a crucifix, a thing of beauty, when he left town without much success. Although the priest had little success, Jesus was still at work, the wooden figure of Jesus began to sweat, but not only sweat, but to bleed from the wounds on this beautiful carving. People returned to their faith,returned to church. Where a human could not convince, God rendered a miracle through the artful image of Jesus, a miracle.
Each year in the village there is a worship that overflows the church as all gather to recognize the wonder of God. Every year the priest reminds the people that miracles happen every day, God is alive here in Piegaro and in our world. The service includes the miracle that is celebrated daily, the Eucharist, of taking Christ within, of the power of God to work in our very beings to become as Christ, to love our neighbors as ourselves. A beautiful miracle that is offered to us every day. To have salvation.
This year it was a gift to actually participate in the procession, not simply follow it. The women lead the way, in the middle is the priest, Don Augusto and a beautiful crucifix, followed by the men and all those who wish to walk at the end. The Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, traditional songs and other prayers are recited during the walk. It is as beautiful to hear as to see, with people of all ages taking part, from babies in strollers to the elders in the community. The weather was amazing this year, nothing short of glorious. One miracle for me is that I now know the words to the prayers, the next miracle will be the songs, ahhhh bella!!
I have had colleagues in the past ask for a meaning of salvation while in America. This troubled me at the time because my own life was so profoundly changed when I received my first communion, when I followed the spirit of God in my life. For me I had experienced a childhood of domestic violence and with faith came courage to report the abuses, I was physically saved. But the miracle that was more powerful in my life was the affirmation of my souls call to love God and neighbor and be at peace with this. For quite a while it concerned me that another pastor would question salvation. Then it hit me, so often in American culture we lean more on logic and reason than on faith.
When the founding fathers of America sat down to form the first congress they had before them a bible, but not even the Bible most of us know, they had Deist bible, in that age of reason all of the miracles had been removed from the text. When Jesus was crucified, there was no resurrection. No healings, no Red Sea crossings, and Paul did not experience Jesus on the road to Damascus, it was a short book. But the start of this nation, its very history, DNA and culture are founded on these basic truths. It will take a miracle for the faith in all things being possible through Jesus to happen in setting.
Thank God miracles happen every day, because there are so many people of faith in America who do see the presence of God alive. But here, here in Piegaro, through the constant reminder of the presence of miracles, I have found much healing through the spirit of faith in that which is unseen than ever before. For me is simply a miracle to be here, to come to know greater of the wonder of worship with Santa Maria, to be in a place that is healing for so many people similar to myself, new arrivals to the community.
In the procession, in the prayers, and in the healing are the experiences of God’s wondrous miracles here in Piegaro which happen every day.
How do you experience God’s miracles through worship?
How do you experience God’s miracles through people?
How do you experience God’s miracles through places special to you?
How do you experience God’s miracles through Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Mary?

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