Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother Mary and Mother’s Day

It was not quite Mother’s Day, but the Saturday before when Mary, mother of Jesus, mother of all was present in oh so many ways. God unfolded the day before me with a sense of mothering love. The morning started beautifully with a visit to my dear neighbor Maria Pia, who was in the hospital. To see her with color in her face and chatting delightfully, telling stories of her life in Piegaro was enjoyable, she is a caring soul, a reminder of mothering love which endears so many of us newcomers to this village. It was wonderful to hold hands for over an hour, and look into her beautiful eyes full of stories of love for her home and people. Beautiful.
When my friend and I left the hospital it was decided we should visit more this town Città della Pieve, and it was Market Day, a perfect day to explore. As we entered town my friend noted an open door of an old church, we entered into a beautiful sanctuary with a fresco by pre-renaissance artist Perugino, with Mary holding her son Jesus after his death in her gentle embrace. The stone steps to the confession boxes are worn with centuries of souls who have come to pour out their souls in this church honoring the Madonna. It was easy to feel the mothering love of Mary for her son Jesus; son of God, savior. The love of Mary for her son as a mother, you could feel her love and pain as she held her child in her arms.

The next church we entered was the sanctuary of the Madonna of Fatima. In this beautiful church we see how the love of Mary has touched so many globally in her mothering care. In art and words the story of her appearance to children in many lands of God’s great world embraces and brings hope. For me it was natural to light a candle for all the women who have offered loving mothering care who were not my physical mother, but mothers nonetheless. It is a gift to experience the loving care of women who nurture and guide us in the spirit of Mary, caring for all of God’s children as in the day of Pentecost. To pray to this wonderful soul, ahhhhh, peace.
We ran into friends from Piegaro on our return to the car, and I felt God was good to provide us with the food of the market, and to see friendly familiar faces; a feeling of home. How God brings us home. One of the hardest things about being in Italy is missing my dear children, and here in Italy I am blessed with a teen-age roommate who upon our arrival back in Piegaro invited me for a walk, more my routine than hers. She needed a bit of mothering, and it was so nice to feel that connection of being a mother here, and praying my children were having similar experiences in Seattle. When Lila took photos of me later, it would remind me of the days of Katy taking pictures, in her care and in the quality of pictures taken with a loving eye. To share the afternoon with Lila and her dear boyfriend, my heart was warmed with the sense of familiarity, and how we are all family in God’s world.
The lovely day was ended with an evening concert of the children, a wonderful tradition here the day before festa della mama, that the school children sing and play music. To see the families and hear the children was a treat. But there was also a surprise to be had for me in the concert as well as the last group of older children sang a few songs in English, and their last English song was “O Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away.” God in infinite grace had the children sing the only “church” song I had yet to sing at the stream, on Easter, while remembering the lovely ladies of Church of Mary Magdalene. A beautiful little miracle that took my heart world-wide in joy.
I would find out the next day that Elida, one of the great matriarchs and mothers of the village had passed into the realms of heaven within an hour of the finish of the concert. I thought what an appropriate exit from this world, to join the heavenly hosts while family and friends were away, to be in peace with Mary, Jesus, God and Holy Spirit on the weekend honoring mothering and family. It made me think of all the prayers of the day:
Prayers for mothering souls in need of care.
Prayers for mothers of those who suffer, as Mary.
Prayers for those who have provided mothering care, as Mary.
Prayers for my children that they may have mothering care when I am gone.
Prayer of gratitude for young people I have been blessed to mother, my own and those who God has gifted me with.
Prayer for the children who offer their gifts of song and joy.
Prayer for those who go before us, always inspiring us in the loving spirit of Mary.

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