Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Canine or Feline

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that men tended to be more canine and women more feline. Here in Piegaro the cats are everywhere, but there are certainly dogs present. The women also tend to be everywhere and the men present, but not everywhere. Because it is something I see every day it had me reflecting on the differences in people and our reactions to one another, especially because people often tell stories of their animals.

My favorite animal is the town’s sweet cat, Nuvola (Cloud), who is 14 years old and is in mourning for her beloved owner who passed away much too young last year. Nuovala, they tell me is always looking for affection as she seeks the love she misses. Being a sympathetic cat person, I spend much time with Nuvola. In the process of spiritual reflection I couldn’t help but feel very similar in character to my newfound cat friend. She has had a great change in her life, she finds solace in a variety of new people in her life, seeking new relationships, but not clinging to one. She will walk up to me talking away, meow, meow, meow, but not stay with me if my hands smell of fingernail polish, she has great boundaries. But she is still my dear friend and spends quality time with me. She has that wonderful feline trait of talking to people who will talk with them, of choosing whom they spend time with, of being territorial and ever present in her turf, and of being most content and relaxed when in the embrace of another.

The ladies of the piazza think that I should find a place in my home where I can bring Nuvola in for the cold or wet nights. They think all people and cats alike should have family, and we seem to be a good match. However cats are so independent, I wonder if she would choose to accept living with the new person in town, of sleeping in a new place?

In the summer you see more dogs here, as everyone walks their friends about town. Canines, unlike felines, really need some control in their lives, they are not independent in any sense, they are not feline. Dogs are pack animals they need their group, beit other dogs, people in a family, or in some cases their pack will include family cats, but they NEED others around to be happy. It is interesting that Fitzgerald names men as canine, because socialogists say that women tend to be the more social of humans, however, they also say that men thrive when they have others around, whereas women can go through their days in a mix of solitude or company. The first dog I knew in town, Lili, is a wonderful guard dog for her family, and if they are in range of view she will protect her yard with fierce barking toward anyone not in the family. When there is no family, or when the family invites you in, she is the most loving greeter in the community. One canine trait is that they thrive with a job to do, many of the dogs here are for the hunting of game and of truffles, and these dogs are truly treasured!

Upon reflection it seems that both canine and feline aspects and traits are present in all people, although perhaps more so in some than others. In our small village here it is easy to see people displaying the feline trait of being territorial, and always in the same places. It is also to see people who are content with specific individuals, but not necessarily all. It is also to see protective traits and the work ethics of the canine in the people here. Pretty much like in America, for no matter where you go people are people. In my time here it has been a beautiful time for reflection on how similar folks are no matter where you are in God’s world. Just as it is easy to make friends of cats and dogs everywhere, it is easy to make friends of people everywhere.

Upon reflection do you see yourself more as canine or feline?
What does it say about your spiritual life?
How do you receive the strangers in the world you meet, how do you appreciate the differences and similarities you share?

It is said that the name of our town, Piegaro comes from a word referring to the plagues. Here in Piegaro following the plagues of the 1400's it has always been important to keep cats... for the plague arrived with rats. Piegaro has been said to be a healing place, I do believe the cats and I agree, it is a healing place!

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