Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

One Constant.....

They day that there is one constant in life, other than God of course, change.  No matter what you do, you cannot stop the ever presence of change in life.  It is always our option to look at the change in our lives as a glass half-full or half-empty.  No better metaphor for this than in my first week here, for my one constant was Caffe Via Roma, my favorite place for coffee, tea, and aperitivo and it is about to change.  A place where I meet my Italian friends, where I study Italian, and where I listen to the locals talk in order to pick up dialect and hopefully, the language.  A place where many locals come in from the cold winter air to play cards, to grab a snack, coffee or other beverage: people young and old gather.  The Caffe was the inspiriation for my two most popular web postings last year, it is a place that makes my heart sing.  It was great to have multiple web sites link into my articles on the Caffe Via Roma and on my favorite barrista, Martin, to have others enjoy my musings on my little piece of heaven.  In my transition time before settling into Colleen's lovely owners apartment, it was sweet last week to have a familiar place to just hang out in the midst of transition. 

This week, as I am feeling more at home in the apartment, getting settled with the processes of the Italian government for my extended stay here(permessio di sojourno), and now the Caffe is preparing to "close."  I put "close" in parenthesis, because it has been sold to the family of another barrista, Lila.  It is not hard to notice the boxes of things to be carted out, to see a few things here and there slipping away from the interior, and to note the sign for the grand opening party for the new Bar-Pub Bottiglia.  It is going to change very quickly, Monday will be the last day of Caffe Via Roma, and the following Sunday the grand openinig party.  Maria and I have already spoken of where we will meet for morning cappuccino during the time between the two owners.  I have returned to my taking photos of the people visiting Via Roma for facebook and here....a great way to meet more people and learn names.  Yet, for me it feels bittersweet.

First the bitter, it is a familiar place, and Martin has really been my favorite barrista, whether helping in my Italian studies, in helping me communicate with others at a level of depth I've never experienced from a barrista before, or simply flashing his dazzling smile, I will miss him at his post.  For the time I've spent here in Piegaro over the past year at various points, all my friends and others in the village don't call it "Via Roma" often, they call it Martin's.  Also I will miss the simple hap-hazzard way of operation of the caffe, the crazy hours always changing, depending on life, not on a calendar or clock... sometimes it is so fabulous to have a place that seems as scattered as oneself in tough parts of life.   

Sweet, it will be so good to have Lila there everyday to chat with, she is a dear girl and I look forward to her place behind the bar, where I first met her last spring.  It will be sweet, because I have been able to get to know her family; Armin, Tonia and Alberto much more this trip and they are simply wonderful, with such amazing spirits.  They have a passion for planning this new venture, from the interior space remodels that reflect the importance of the glass factories in the community, to what music to utilize for the opening, to the menu and sampling each item with care.  It is a wonder to behold, and such great infection energy that it has been such an honor to be invited into parts of this adventure with them.  The Bar-Pub Bottiglia will be a great place as well to hang out, and to enjoy new experiences in!

As I have gone through life, I've experienced more change than the average person, living in 30 different places in less than 45 years.  In my work in various churches one description for me has been "change agent" one who helps communities go through change.  I have realized that there is such a thing as too much change, and also the gift of knowing how to dance through change with grace.

Dancing with grace through change is often in knowing who are your partners in the dance, and being able to keep the beautiful rhythm of life that keeps all in step together, the rhythm of the Spirit!  How we embrace all that has been, all that is to come as part of the dance that brings us to where we are in the moment is the key.  Upon reflection of the hardships of my past year, all the dramatic changes, I can say, ah yes, but it brought me to this place where I am now, in Italy.  Where I will be in 6 months, who knows, all things change, but to enjoy the beauty in the here and now.  To savor the bitter with the sweet, and taste the fullness of life is so good.  Unlike Jesus, I have not been crucified, and always, always there is promise and hope even if I were....for God is here.

Where do you see grace in other people in your life even when things seem in change/turmoil about you?
How do you embrace change as part of a sacred dance?
How do you find the eternal hope?

1 comment:

  1. Good-bye faithful Cafe Via Roma where so happy hours have been spent and I have seen so many changes in 6 years! A door closes :-(

    Hello Bar Pub Bottiglia where new opportunities for friendship, excitement and great smiles from Lila will abound! A door opens :-)

    Isn't it interesting that Ciao means goodbye and Ciao means hello!

    Ciao! Ciao!
