Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who are We?

One of the keys of a proper retreat is to have a focus, in fact that was a suggestion from one of the women of Mary's for this retreat, "Don't forget WHY you went."  This Sabbatical in Italy is about finding rest, finding heart, and essentially finding LIFE.  While still in Seattle in a conversation with a virtual stranger who was asking me questions I realized that my life's art, something that has woven itself into most of my jobs and volunteer gigs has been story telling.  I've had some pretty outrageous work in my lifetime: tour guide, computer typesetter (first computer needed its own little room!), singing telegram girl, bartender, real estate agent, instructor and pastor.  A revelation today was my great love of learning to speak, listen and speak with brand new words.

I'm not saying it is easy, we are all struggling in the communication department, but I've realized that was my greatest attraction to this village as a place for retreat, it is an amazing community where every successful idea communicated with my friends is celebrated, where stories are so important, including those which carry emotion.  It is interesting to hear my story come out of the mouth of others, sometimes second-hand in this new language.

Which carries back to the WHY of the sabbatical.  Life is best lived out in the open, with the cleansing, healing space to share stories, to hear stories, to allow all to be in community/relationship, this was so modeled by Jesus who told the story of the woman at the well, HER story, to her because it was an important story, he was sharing that she was beloved by God in the midst of a life that others would judge as bad, sinful, or in church thought unclean.  Everyone's story is valuable, and everyone is worthy of love.

In the culture of this village, the sharing of stories is not merely gossip, but a way everyone becomes connected and shares opinions.  The sharing comes during a walk while greeting folks along the way, on the way to church when someone asks, "why would you come when you don't know the language?"**, and at the caffe where discussion of travel visas, dogs and female pastors sparks great debate.  All the pieces of our lives are worthy of consideration, it helps to share them. 

As one person requested for our virtual retreat, "God will reveal what needs to happen."  Today God  unfolded life through the common call: studia, studia, studia 'l Italiano (so we can all understand each other), a great walk to the statue of Padre Pio (Saint who was a spiritual director to the poor), winter "flowers," **an always graceful time of prayer in worship in another language, where the rhythms of the prayers beat as God's heart giving life abundantly and finally a friend reminding it is time to put down the studies and take time to rest and be. 

How do you take time to study and learn to nourish those places where your heart sings?
How do you let God bring the invitations and open your day?
How do you hear the stories of others as a revelation to your own story?
How do you see the beauty of nature even in the cold of winter?
How do you hear God's heartbeat?
How do you take time for rest and "being?"

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