Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Up for an Adventure

Have you ever felt that you were not destined for the quiet, sedentary life that others seem to flourish in?  One of my friends said I could just stand there and adventure would happen....sometimes I think he is right.  My passport and visa arrived in Seattle less than 24 hours of my flight, and the gentleman at the Italian consulate seemed so calm about the whole thing...at this end it is pretty much the same with acquiring my permessio for stay in Italy.  But I think I'm starting to get in the groove of my self identified life of adventure though, and it is taking me back to an attitude about living that befits a Spiritual Director of Spirit.

In seminary my class structure always included spirituality courses to "pad" my theology, systems, and practicum courses....which meant I had my post-master's degree in transforming spirituality long before my master's of divinity degree.  After years of reflection on the topic a couple of things floated to the top - one being that my obvious priority was not the M.Div. required to be a pastor; two that Spirituality is priority; and finally three, that I am not the quiet meditative spiritual person most people think of when they think of Spirituality, as I said adventure just seems to happen...  Living in my new hilltop village, which is a VERY old hilltop village, I have a new perspective on the concept of point of view, how if I want to get pictures on a snowy day, the vista, the view will change depending on where I am in the village.  From the window now I can see the lights of the cemetary glowing beautifully, but from the apartment of my new friends from Australia in the spring they can see and hear the sheep in the valley below.  Both beautiful views/vistas, but very different.

Life is totally about perspective, what do you see????  In our classes in Spirituality our main focus was to pay attention to the words, actions and environment to discern the flow of the spirit and reflect back for the best of those we care for.  Somewhere in the middle of seminary there was an epiphany in my life as I went out to explore the state of Colorado before finishing my studies at Iliff and moving on to Seattle U., a friend in class I should have an "adventure bandana" on to symbolize I was going on an adventure, she said it would be more fun that way.  Thus began a life of adventure bandanas or other such visible accessories in my life that remind me of what is important.  From piercings to tattoos, from scarves to hats, all have meaning that says there is a story of importance in all of the little things in life for me.  Life has a depth of meaning, and we only get one chance through it, do I want to see life as a combination of tragedy, accidents and embarassment, or to see it as a glorious adventure where all things that have gone before have led to this place just pregnant with possibility????  No matter where we are in life, all that has gone before is a prologue to this place in our story that is still unfolding.

In sorting pictures in Seattle, there were so many great shots of the kids in their adventure bandanas as we turned looking at flowers in the fields of skagit valley and whale watching boat trips with no whales into a grand adventure.  Even this week, a grand adventure unfolded as Lila and I walked down from her home in Montegabbione, at a very high altitude with a good 6 inches of snow down to Piegaro, my home, which although is on a hilltop, was not high enough to have any snow accumulation.  It was approximately a 5-6 mile trek, and not something the locals did, so we set out on an "adventure."  We finished our adventure with a "special" drink (an Irish Dream) at the caffe, to close our "adventure."  It was great fun, and the stuff great stories are made of...but with a different perspective, it would have been a long, wet, cold walk home for me, but with creative imagination and hope, it was an adventure, a very beautiful one at that!  It was a reminder that life is good, God is good, and with a sense of spirit all is well in the world. 

Today as my set time to go to the community office to get my "official" letter of permission to stay in Italy got put off beyond the deadline and my visible frustration grew, I was reminded by my friend Martin that I was having another "adventura"....it put it all into perspsective, life, my life as an adventure.  Life is just going to happen, not calm, not quiet, but as a strong wind, a deep breath, a great Spirit, ever flowing.  I am thankful for those who remind me, and who join me on this glorious adventure of life!!

How do you percieve life, what is your keyword of Spirit? Do you have one?
How do you invite others to join in the journey?
How do you envision your life thus far as a prologue, and do you like to imagine the "rest of your book?" 
How willing are you to simply let the future "write" itself?
When you think of Spirit, of that which speaks/sings to your heart - how does it breathe life into you?

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