Why THIS Blog

This Blog is designed to be a virtual retreat with daily reflections geared toward the public as well as specifically for the community of women at Church of Mary Magdalene / Mary's Place for homeless women. It is a site that pulls from the words of the women themselves on what they would like in a retreat if they could go somewhere else for a time. In this retreat we will do some globe trotting, based solely on my own travels as a spiritual director who enjoys volunteering for Mary's. All are welcome on our journey, in this era of financial woes there are many who need retreat and are unable to afford to travel. I hope this proves to be one more source of unending gift of spiritual retreat for renewal of life: mind-body-spirit!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Second Language Team-work

My days already have a "regular" pattern that features a certain amount of time with various people who are encouraging me in my study of the Italian language.  You see in the culture of Italy communication is essential, and in public places, on telephones and in the home you know that people are talking to and about one another all the time, the stories of life ARE exchanged. For me to become a part of the community it is essential that I learn the language, but the greatest gift for me is that there are SO MANY people who are taking part in this.

Every morning starts with coffee at the Caffe with Maria, Martin and whoever else shows up.  We stumble through some stuttering conversation on my part, then others launch into a real discussion at a rapid place, while I listen carefully to catch the gist of what is being spoken of.  When Maria leaves I spend part of the morning in the caffe at a table with my books reading, writing trying to make the childish puzzles guide me to success in the written language.  Then comes walk time, usually with Maria, meeting others along the way where the talk is often of how long I am to be here, and how I need to studia, studia so we can all communicate, and how nice it is that I can stay so long and good that Colleen will arrive in April and wonderful, my daughter Katy will come for a visit!  All are welcome into this community with open arms.

By afternoon I am back at the Caffe, with frequent questions of grammar, why, how and what does this mean?!?!?  Then onto daily Mass in the church, with the familiar cadence of the prayers and liturgy that have stood the test of time with words I have heard in 3 other languages and still I stand in awe of the symmetry of the poetry in the holy rites.  After worship I spend a bit more time in the Italian workbook at the Caffe then men start to fill the caffe and it is time to put the books down and just hang out with the guys, listening, and when ever possible joining in the conversation.  It was surprising to hear them speak of my life one night, and realize this is so common, everyone knows about everyone and rather than a culture of gossip, it is a culture of relationship.  What folks know about me informs how folks care for me, just as I learn about others, I know the care they need.  An finally comes my dear friend who has joined me over half my nights here, keeping me from being solamente (unimaginable!) the age of my own kids, she is a breath of fresh air as she learns English from me, and she encourages my Italian. 

It is the essence of Christian Community, when all can seek to know the depth of the heart of others and want to be in full communication / relationship.  It is a reflection of the community in the Book of Acts, where all people were sharing in common, each according to their needs.  When all can share their hearts, our deepest needs can be met.  One of the things I look forward to most is to deeply hear the stories of others more fully and find ways where I can participate in the loving act of meeting the needs of others.

It fills my heart to note the diversity of ages of the folks who participate on the team of promoting the advancement  of one person's learning of a new language so all can communicate well together.

Church of Mary Magdalene has a practice of sharing in worship, in circle that also embraces this notion of community, how do you live fully as a partner in relationship with others?
Do you find a need in your life for community such as this - what can you do to be the creator in God's image you were born to be and participate in allowing this type of community to be nourished in your presence?

1 comment:

  1. Brava! Immersione totale nella lingua di Piegaro. Molto bene!
